Storm Water Management

Wisconsin’s average annual 31 inches of rainfall and 45 inches of snowfall generate billions of gallons of stormwater runoff.  When it rains, stormwater washes over roofs, streets, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, and land surfaces.

Stormwater runoff that isn’t properly managed can wash oil, dirt, pesticides, metals, and other pollutants into the storm system that eventually discharges into our rivers and streams.  The pollutants threaten water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and public health.  Stormwater runoff can also cause flooding and erosion, destroy natural habitat, and contribute to sewer overflows.

The Federal Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, requires the Village to manage stormwater runoff to protect water quality in rivers and streams, protect watershed health, and protect groundwater as a drinking water resource.

The Village's stormwater permit (WPDES) requires Salem Lakes to reduce stormwater pollution, and manage other programs that respond to water quality requirements.  The Stormwater Utility coordinates the Village's response to the permit.

To protect groundwater quality, the WPDES permit requires the Village to develop and implement a management plan that prevents, minimizes, and controls pollutants at the surface before stormwater infiltrates into the ground.

The Village of Salem Lakes works with citizens, businesses, and property owners to increase public awareness of stormwater issues and promote private stormwater management efforts.