2022 Adopted Ordinances Ord 2022.06-53 - Creating Section 470-15 of the VOSL Code for Golf Carts Ord 2022.07-54 - Amending the VOSL Zoning Map 70-262-0220 Ord 2022.08-55 - Amending the VOSL Zoning Map 70-332-0200 Ord 2022.08-56 - Creating Sections 490-9.11 and 490-11.9 of the VOSL Code for landscape, parking and access Ord 2022.09-57 - Amending Sections 470-4 and 470-13 for Parking Tow Away Zones Ord 2022.10 -58 - Amending Sec. 490-26.2 & 490-26.3 for tattoo body piercing establishments Ord 2022.10-59 - Amending Section 435-10 B Waste Haulers Rate Increases Ord 2022.12.62 - Amending Section 447-8A Solid Waste Bulk Collection