Fire Commission
Mission Statement for the
Salem Lakes Fire Commission
The mission of the Salem Lakes
Fire Commission
is to support the highest quality
of professional Fire services
in partnership with our community
Fire Commission Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Salem Lakes Village Hall. Meeting dates and times may be changed occasionally if there is a conflict in scheduling. Meetings are recorded and audio copies can be made available upon request for a fee of $5.00. Requests can be made to the Office of the Village Clerk located at 9814 Antioch Road (STH 83) in Salem, WI. Minutes are available upon approval of the Board.
Agendas will be posted on the bulletin board outside the Village Hall and on the website. All meetings are open to the public. Items discussed in "closed session" are not open to the public.
If you would like to read more about the purpose of the Fire Commission, please read Chapter 48 from the link below.