Village Board - Agendas, Minutes & Audios

The Salem Lakes Village Board is the legislative and governing body of the Village.  Within the Village of Salem Lakes are hamlets, namely, Salem, Silver Lake, Trevor, Camp Lake, Wilmot and a small section of Bristol.  The seven-member board is responsible for establishing policies to protect the health, safety and general welfare of Salem Lakes residents.  Village Ordinances and certain sections of WI Statutes establish the specific duties and powers of the Village Board.  Exercising their legislative powers, the Village Board adopts ordinances and resolutions to establish policies and programs and to provide public services and facilities primarily for the Village. The Village Board considers major problems facing municipal government and guides the growth and development of the Village in a manner that is consistent with public interest.

The Regular Board Meeting is held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The meetings are streamed live on YouTube for your viewing. Past meetings may be reviewed here also. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 262-843-2313.

YouTube Channel Address:

The Regular Board Meeting Agenda is broken down by department subject matter, as the Board considers each item individually.  Agendas are posted no later than the Friday prior to any Monday meeting.  Agendas are posted at the Salem Lakes Village Hall (outside glass case), Silver Lake Post Office, here on the website, and thru E-Notification.  Citizens may sign up to receive email notices of the agendas by Clicking Here...

Village of Salem Lakes Meeting Agendas


All remarks should be addressed to the board as a body and not to any one member.  Speakers must be respectful of others’ opinions and refrain from making personal attacks.  Any person who becomes disorderly or who fails to confine remarks to the identified subject or business at hand shall be cautioned and given the opportunity to conclude his/her remarks in a decorous manner and within the designated time limits.  Any person failing to comply as cautioned may be barred by the Village President from making any additional comments during the meeting, unless permission to continue or again address the board is granted.  Remarks are limited to three minutes.  If an individual is declared out of order, he/she may be requested to leave the podium, and may be subject to physical removal from the Board Room.  Clapping, heckling or verbal outbursts in support or opposition to a speakers' comments is discouraged.


We encourage all Village residents to attend these meetings and become active in their community.  We do realize however that this isn't always possible.  Audio recordings are available by request for $5 from the Village Clerk's Office.  The minutes of any meeting are not available until they have been approved by the Village Board.  Minutes from previous years will be kept archived on the website.  If you have any questions regarding these meetings or would like to be placed on an agenda, contact the Salem Lakes  Village Clerk, at 262-843-2313, extension 5708.

Village of Salem Lakes Meeting Minutes