Village Board Meeting Agendas

To better keep you informed of upcoming meetings that affect your community, we have created these pages of when meetings are held.  In this section, you will find the agendas for the Regular Board Meetings, Special Board Meetings, Committee of the Whole (COW) Meetings, Public Hearings and Workshops.

Board Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. We encourage Village residents to attend these meetings and become active in their community.  With the exception of Closed Session Meetings, all meetings are open to the public.  Be sure to check back often for updates.  Notices are posted on the outside bulletin board at the Salem Lakes Municipal Building and on the Village of Salem Lakes website.  Agendas are posted within 24  of a meeting.

If you need any further information regarding these meetings or would like to be placed on the agenda, please contact the Village Clerk, at (262) 843-2313, extension 5674.

All current Village Board meetings are available to view online at:  Village of Salem Lakes WI - YouTube