Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC)

The ADRC is a free, "one-stop shop" for older people, people with disabilities and their families.  They provide objective, reliable information and guidance on a wide variety of topics.  Services

Please click on the attached link to direct you to the Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Center.  All the services described below have direct links to more information on their website.


PHONE LINES OPEN: Services are accessible by phone, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., 262-605-6646 or 800-472-8008.

LOAN CLOSET:  Donations are needed! To make donation, or if you are in need of an item, please call Steve at the ADRC, 262-605-6667, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., to make arrangements. Loan Closet Information

TRANSPORTATION: Visit the transportation page for additional information.  

MEALS FOR SENIORS: Senior Dining is provided by KAFASI to Kenosha County Seniors, age 60+, including spouse of any age. Call 262-658-3508 to make a reservation for any site a day in advance by 10:30 a.m.  Link to Senior Dining options

Frozen Meal Pack/DIBS 2.0/Hot Meal Pick-up, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

  • Tuesday: KAFASI, 7730 Sheridan Road, Kenosha
  • Wednesday: Westosha Senior Center, 19200 93rd St., Bristol
  • Thursday: Parkside Baptist Church, 2620 14th Place, Kenosha

Participants are able to pick up one, two, or all three options on a weekly basis at one of the pick-up sites listed above. 

  • Option 1: Each pick up will include 5 frozen meals with beverages and crackers. Suggested donation $3. Option 2: Available are 7 shelf stable meal recipes complete with the ingredients needed to make them in two reusable grocery bags. Suggested donation $10. 
  • Option 3: A hot meal ready to go complete with a beverage and side. Suggested donation $3. 

Hot and Cold Meal Curbside Pick-up, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

At time of pick-up seniors will receive one meal that is hot and ready to eat and a second meal to put in the refrigerator to eat later. Suggested donation $4 per meal ($8 total).

  • Wednesday and Friday- Village Pub, 307 N Cogswell Dr. Silver Lake
  • Thursday- Kenosha Achievement Center, 1218 79th St. Kenosha

Meals on Wheels provides meals delivered Monday - Friday. Medically-ordered food restrictions may be accommodated. 

EVENTS: Events and workshops will be held online if possible.